Not economically viable meaning 462088-Not economically feasible meaning
Feasible 'the proposed investment was economically viable' More example sentences 'This view is not derived from a sense of optimism, but from a realisation that viable alternatives need to be developed to reduce car usage and pollution' 'I looked at the Dem candidates and realizedThe factory is no longer economically viable Economically, the centre of Spain has lost its dominant role the economically active/inactive population (= those who are employed or available for work/those who are not) Changes have taken place both economically and politicallyAt present such storage is not economically viable Changing print technology will simply serve to reduce further these barriers to entry, making even lower print runs economically viable Observers have pointed out that the Gabcikovo power plant could only be economically viable if a substantial amount of water is diverted
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Not economically feasible meaning
Not economically feasible meaning-Economical adjective attentus , avoiding extravaaance, careful , chary of expense , cheap , costreducing , economizing , efficient , financially prudent , free fromSentence examples for not financially viable from inspiring English sources The lack of financial support for the NP role often made employment of a NP not financially viable for a practice setting "January's feedin tariff cuts mean that new projects are not financially viable "It's not financially viable for Everton to come just to Perth
Economically definition 1 using little money, time, etc 2 in a way that relates to a country's trade, industry, and Learn moreViable vi´ahb'l able to maintain an independent existence;A viable national economy See Synonyms at possible 2 a the company is not economically viable → die Firma ist unrentabel;
If deposits that are not currently considered economically viable are included, the total volume of deposits increases to around 180 billion tonnes of iron EurLex2 Strategic research alliances between CANMETMMSL and the private sector have brought improvements in mining technology, such as better ways of processing complex ores and better techniques for making lowgradeRecord yourself saying 'not economically viable' in full sentences saying 'not economically viable' in full sentencesIt is a completely viable state, with a ski museum and a McDonald's The 00s saw the rise of commercially viable seeds created by transgenesis, that is, the insertion of DNA from one species into another species
Practicable a viable plan;How to say not economically viable in English?From Longman Business Dictionary economically ec‧o‧nom‧i‧cally / ˌekəˈnɒmɪkli, ˌiːˈnɑː/ adverb 1 ECONOMICS COMMERCE in a way that is related to systems of trade, money, business, industry etc The country is in danger of collapsing economically and politically an economically depressed area 2 in a way that makes a profit Electric cars are not yet economically viable
Search economically viable and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso You can complete the definition of economically viable given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam WebsterDifference Between Feasibility and Viability 'Feasibility'Â vs 'Viability' If you are starting a business, planning an investment, or embarking on a project, it is necessary that you determine whether it is viable or even just feasible for that matter Knowing the feasibility and viability of an endeavor or business venture will help evaluate its sustainability and the success of theHere are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'not economically viable' Break 'not economically viable' down into sounds say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them;
Answer (1 of 5) For a running company or a new investment , the viability means that the returns are more than the cost of capital Otherwise , it is going to be loss making or even if it makes profit , it is less than a simple interest one earns from a bank , without much risk For a new inve Economically viable definition Economic means concerned with the organization of the money, industry , and trade of a Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesFrom Falling Down (1993) starring Michael Douglas and Robert Duvall One of the best scenes from one of the most memorable movies of the 90s
Economic viability means that market operation is sustainable regarding current and projected revenues The revenues will be greater than or equal to all current and planned expenditures In simple terms, any project or activity that can financially support itself is economically viable Using farming as an example, economic viability refers to1 The periphytonbased cage aquaculture described here was not economically viable and the main economic constraints were the costs of cage material (net and bamboo poles) and fry Aquaculture 2 "But that's not economically viable The New York Times 3 Staying, he said in an interview, was "not economically viable"Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Economically viable meaning and usage
Being Economically Viable in Today's Economy "Being the company of one" By Akosua K Albritton In 1993, Michael Douglas starred in Falling Down a movie with strong social commentary One short scene involved an AfricanAmerican man dressed in slacks, white shirt with rolled sleeves, top two buttons opened, and loosened neck tieEconomically Viable synonyms 44 Words and Phrases for Economically Viable commercially viable cost effectiveness economic feasibility economic health economic profitability economic resilience economic soundness economic strengthThe company is not economically viable translation in English English Reverso dictionary, see also 'company doctor',company man',company secretary',company town', examples, definition
The 'Not Economically Viable" picketer in Falling Down is wearing the exact same clothes as Michael Douglas Close 8 Posted by I also love how in the movie you slowly begin to understand that it's not really a movie about 2 kids trying to get laid it's about 2 kids trying to come to grips with facing the real world and being separatedIf investors find that approach viable, there are no rules to stop them doing that 2 FINANCE a viable company or organization is making a profit and can continue to do business We had to reduce staff to survive as a viable firm The auditors will decide whether or not the bank is economically viableDefinition and synonyms of viable from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education This is the British English definition of viableView American English definition of viable Change your default dictionary to American English
Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'not economically viable' Break 'not economically viable' down into sounds say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them;Not economically viable in a sentence Use not economically viable in a sentence and its meaning 1 They also can cover destinations not economically viable for larger planes 2 Lansbury says, adding that anything smaller is not economically viable click for more sentences of not economically viableSubscribe if you want to see more videos like this!
Are economically viable undertakings, the meaning evidently is whether they must rely on support largely from public funds or are sold in the market to private buyers, possibly aided by private contributions not exempt from taxation This need not be the only meaning of the phraseEconomic viability Designing Buildings Share your construction industry knowledge Viability is a measure of the likely success of a particular action or set of actions An assessment of economic viability is an evaluation of the various economic effects that may result from the implementation of a particular project This assessment will help decision makers decide whether a project isAnswer This is quite simple if you stop to think about it If you look at any project only financially, there is only the revenue expense = profit equation Suppose the project is a new bus route to a location that is not served at all currently Revenue is the collection from ticket sales E
Record yourself saying 'not economically viable' in saying 'not economically viable' inSynonyms for economically viable include selfsupporting, independent, selfreliant, selfsufficient, selfsustaining, selfcontained, selfdependent, selfstanding, selfsubsistent and selfsubsisting Find more similar words at wordhippocom!Payment by a Member State of compensation for the loss incurred by an undertaking without the parameters of such compensation having been established beforehand, where it turns out after the event that the operation of certain services in connection with the discharge of public service obligations was not economically viable, therefore constitutes a financial measure which falls
Economically viable forest management is an absolute prerequisite for longterm sustainability MultiUn Use of a waste heat boiler for energy recovery, where technically and economically viable EurLex2 Objective of aid to make holdings more economically viable and diversify economic activities by EurLex2Able to live after birthSynonyms for economically in Free Thesaurus Antonyms for economically 38 synonyms for economical economic, fair, cheap, reasonable, modest, lowpriced, inexpensive
SMALL FARMS AND THE 'ECONOMICALLY VIABLE HOLDING' IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY The theory that the small farm would have higher yields than a larger farm was put forward for the first time by the author in 1961 in Ceylon This was despite the fact that all economic theories and text books taught the opposite In the 1980s and 1990s, a numberEconomically not viable Author Pujetumo Yusexu Subject Economically not viable Not economically viable synonym Not economically viable meaning Falling down not e Created Date PMIt is only their investment that makes the project economically viable None of the projects proved financially viable a perfectly viable form of political organization;
Adjective 1 Capable of working successfully;What's the definition of Economically viable in thesaurus?Not economically viable meaning Economically viable meaning in english Inside found a 603Feasible page refers to what can be done, caused or performed making cars is possible, but it is not economically viable This document describes real enterprises, a consolidation of economic education working to
Definition of financially viable To put it to simple words, it's not worth doing it, or it's not going to work(in terms of money) adjective not capable of succeeding, esp financially the pit had proved economically unviable How do you use viable?Viable meaning 1 able to work as intended or able to succeed 2 able to continue to exist as or develop into a Learn more
I'm afraid that is just not a viable option Once the company is commercially viable, we should be able to invest morePronunciation of not economically viable with 1 audio pronunciation and more for not economically viableTechnically viable energy saving potential in the public building sector stands at 42% or 152mtoe, of which 90% is economically viable and 58% financially viable45 49% of energy savings would come from space heating accounting for 60% of total
Define viable viable synonyms, viable pronunciation, viable translation, English dictionary definition of viable adj 1 Capable of success or continuing effectiveness;Economically and Technically Feasible and Viable means capable of being provided (a) through technology which is readily available with reasonable delivery schedules from two (2) or more sources of supply and has been demonstrated in actual operating conditions (not simply through tests or experiments) to operate in a workable manner, and (b) in a manner which has aEconomic Viability Economic viability should be also assessed considering macroeconomic sustainability using relevant indicators such as total value added in the economy, trade balances, foreign investments, changes in overall productivity, business opportunities, longterm profitability, energy diversity, product durability and research and development efforts (Azapagic and Perdan,
That's not economically viable by a long shot I wonder whether the service will be operationally viable by then Nissan is aiming to make this automated vehicle technology viable by 15 He made Islam viable by dint of the supreme sacrifices which he made for it Even if they get the wrong answer they may still be viable by these criteria Investor confidence is extremely low and